

abbr.electrostatic memory 静电记忆;ends standard matched 末端标准企合(木材业用语)

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That is because lending from the european stability mechanism , the new euro-zone bailout fund that is expected to handle the bulk of the aid , is intended to have a ' senior ' creditor status : the esm is meant to be repaid before holders of regular spanish bonds if spain were to default on its debts .
But putting the esm on equal footing with regular bondholders would only resolve part of the problem -- assuming investors would believe a statement to that effect by euro-zone leaders , said guntram b. wolff , deputy director of brussels think-tank bruegel .
There is one possibly significant change to the esm .
Leaders are expected to bring forward the start date of the esm by one year .
German finance minister wolfgang schaeuble has knocked that idea , saying already in washington that getting the esm into place will take time .
Though the paper isn 't explicit on why this is important , officials point out that , as a bank , the esm would be able to borrow from the european central bank , which would give it much more firepower than the efsf .