
[ɪˌskeˈpi, ˌɛske-]

escapee 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They beat about the whole length of the country for the escapee .
- 他们在全国各地搜寻那个逃犯。
- The escapee crossed the border with his family .
- 逃犯与家人一起越过边界。
- The key is , once you 've cornered the escapee , do not scold him or yell at him .
- 关键在于,一旦你狗急跳墙的逃脱,他还是不开口骂他.
- The calculation would be only slightly better if the euro escapee were germany .
- 如果德国离开欧元区,情况则会稍好一点。
- Why do you always shoot him ? He is not the no.1 escapee .
- 你怎么老是拍他,他又不是一级逃犯。
- The escapee took a goal-line stand when he was cornered by the police .
- 在警察把他逼入绝境後,逃犯孤注一掷。
- The beast-god finally took notice of me and searched the choppy waters for the escapee .
- 在兽神终于注意到我并搜查的逃犯波涛汹涌的水域。
- We thought we sawan escapee up by the lane .
- 我想我们在路上看到了一个逃跑的家伙。
- The testimony of one recent escapee , shin dong-hyuk ( a new name ) , standsout .
- 最近新出现一名叫申东赫的脱北者,他的证言引人注目。
- The police are beating the town for the escapee .
- 警方正在镇上搜捕那个逃犯。