erhu 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And each of his six erhu music can be called classic.The modern work snow mountain soul is one of them .
- 其创作的六首二胡曲,可以说首首经典。现代作品《雪山魂塑》正是其中之一。
- I imagined colorfully robed men sitting around lacquered tables , leisurely sipping tea to the soft sounds of an erhu .
- 我想象着那里身着五颜六色长袍的人们,围坐在漆器木桌旁,在二胡轻柔的音乐中,悠闲地呷上一口清茶。
- Ma Xiaohui is a virtuoso on the erhu .
- 马晓辉是一名二胡演奏大师。
- The erhu 's structure is quite simple .
- 二胡的结构相当简单。
- Therefore , the erhu group class has generally become the basic teaching of music education speciality of higher normal colleges use situation .
- 因此,二胡小组课已普遍成为高等师范院校音乐教育专业采用的基础教学形势。
- Modernistic erhu works have embodied the new pattern of traditional musical creation , which can bring the brand-new audition feeling to people .
- 现代派的二胡作品给人们带来了全新的听觉感受,体现了民族器乐创作的新格局。
- However , he paralyzed , and can not do anything , and the family erhu , dulcimer , has become children 's plaything .
- 但他瘫了,什么也干不了了,家里的二胡,扬琴,成了孩子们的玩物。
- at the beginning of the 20th century , folk artist Lu Wencheng changed the usual silk strings of the erhu to steel ones ,
- 本世纪初,民间艺术家吕文成把二胡的外弦,从习用的丝弦改为钢弦,
- The majestic melody , unchained rhythms with a bit more heroism , played by classical erhu is like great power of last emperor .
- 有如末代皇帝的气势,古典的二胡表现出庄严的旋律,奔放的节奏多了些豪迈的味道。
- This essay confines various problems in erhu fiddle performance to two major categories : rational problems and perceptual problems through analyzing and categorizing .
- 本文以分析归类的方法,将二胡演奏艺术中的众多问题划分为理性问题和感性问题两类。