epistemological 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What is frequently misunderstood is a purely epistemological point , about what we can know .
- 还有一个经常被搞错的纯认识论问题:“我们可以知道什么”。
- As van til relates these doctrines to his own epistemological and apologetic concerns , however , new emphases and insights emerge .
- 当范泰尔把这些教义应用在知识论和护教学的时候,新的重点和洞见浮现了.
- That much is clear right now . There are many , many practical political , pedagogical and epistemological benefits yet to be investigated .
- 现在许多事情都非常清楚了,维基百科还有很多实用的政治、教育和认识论方面的益处还有待发掘。
- Mathematics epistemological beliefs mathematics learning motivation .
- 数学知识信念数学学习动机。
- And renewable energy doesn 't have the political or epistemological baggage of climate change .
- 可再生能源在气候变化上可没有什么政治或者认知上的包袱。
- The political and epistemological reasons are pronounced in america and are interrelated .
- 政治和经济层面点的原因在美国甚嚣尘上,而且联系紧密。
- Epistemological belief system and its effects on learning have drawn attention of educational researchers in recent years .
- 摘要近年来心理学家日益关注人们的认知观及其对学习的作用。
- The epistemological of market mechanism studies .
- 市场机制的认识论研究。
- The epistemological significance of species pluralism .
- 物种多元论的认识论意义。
- Type can be used as an epistemological tool to remedy the limitation of concept because in some circumstances it is more exoteric and realistic .
- 弥补这一点须依赖类型这一认识工具,某些情况下,类型更开放、更接近现实。