

abbr.engine oil 机油;end of operation 操作结束;electro osmotic velocity 电渗速度;ex officis (Latin=by virtue of office) (拉丁语)依据职权的(地)

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Eo wilson has called it " a discipline with a deadline . "
Eo technics is one of the world leading laser application manufacturer .
In this issue , we have invited three winning teams which are led by eo colleagues to share their key to success in delivering quality customer service .
Eo shanghai is looking for an outgoing , friendly , presentable and sociable candidate to provide support to our board of directors and the organization as whole .
The composition of electro-optic signal environment ( eose ) may reflect directly the electromagnetic situation of eo spectrum in the battlefield .
The semi-physical simulation of electro-optic ( eo ) system is one of the economical and effective means for research of airborne eo systems .
Material selection , fabri cation technology , eo tunability and polarization dependence of the polymer wave guide grating are also discussed .
With comprehensively analyzing the reasons for which the engine oil ceases to be effective in the early stages , this topic elaborates the correct methods and measures of selecting eo , using and maintaining engines , as well as timely renewing eo , etc.
The fl-19 has six single-shot missile tubes with an integral electro-optical ( eo ) target detection and tracking unit , all mounted on the rear section of an armoured light truck .
Even when he is depicting the misery of the toiling masses as in the p eo ple of the abyss 1903or their rebellion against their oppressors as in the iron heel 1908 , london could never shake off his nietzschean admiration for the strong nor hide his condescending pity for the weak .


in theory