Many other countries look enviously at israel 's growing economy , but people here feel the wealth has not been shared .
Experienced cyclists point enviously to amsterdam , where the sheer number of bicycles makes motorists more careful , and where special bike lanes are segregated from both cars and pedestrians by kerbs .
Karl watched enviously as I climbed onto the gleaming bike .
On friday , watching the fireworks over the skies of cairo , I enviously mumbled : " how come we didn 't do that ? "
In the game , " the entire world " knew that she had killed the king ; her friends congratulated her a bit enviously .
As countries all over the world argue over " what to tell the children " about their collective past , many will look to ireland rather enviously . Its seamless transition from a nationalist view of history to an open-minded one is an exception .
For years chile 's homosexuals have gazed enviously over the andes to argentina , where sexual attitudes are more relaxed and where gay marriage is legal .