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Other experts , such as eminent harvard entomologist e.o. wilson , told participants at the unesco conference that extinctions could go as high as 50 percent .
Michael raupp , an entomologist at the university of maryland and a bug blogger , says the " stink bug is undoing 40 years of integrated pest management . "
" The best way to start is to try it once , " the entomologist insisted .
Certain medieval theologians -- who puzzled over how many angels could dance on the head of a pin -- would have had a field day with this picture by retired entomologist klaus bolte of canada .
Most recently , cornell university entomologist tom seeley has written a lovely and compelling book titled honeybee democracy which suggests we turn to the bees to see how they make decisions .
Together , the findings suggest that current efforts to curb bedbug infestations will be more difficult than in the past , says susan jones , an urban entomologist at ohio state university in columbus .
They sent specimens to researchers at the california academy of sciences where entomologist tracy audisio , a research fellow at the california academy of sciences , puzzled over the new find .
An american entomologist ( a slightly more original touch at least ) goes to south ossetia to film a rare butterfly but instead catches the start of the georgian offensive on tskhinvali carried out with u. s.support on his night camera .
From the shape of the insect , michael s. engel , an entomologist at the university of kansas , identified it as a mayfly , one of the first groups of flying insects .
" The suggestion that insects would be more efficient has been around for quite some time , " said dennis oonincx , an entomologist at wageningen university in the netherlands .