

n.诱惑,怂恿( enticement的名词复数 )

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Neon writing its brazen enticements across the darkness and contributing its simmering hum to the uproar of the street for me sums up the nocturnal romance of american cities .
But when a prisoner initiates a request to donate with absolutely no enticements or pressure to do so , and if the inmate receives the same counseling afforded every prospective donor , there is no question in my mind that valid organ-donation consent can be given .
Among many other factors , the " war on drugs " and the welfare state have added to a plethora of enticements that encourage - even incentivize - an influx of immigrants seeking a better life than can be had south of the border .
George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements .
One of the enticements of the job is the company car .
After the recession ends he / she will be offered fewer enticements to leave .
To discover their intrinsic value , you must put aside the hopes , enticements , they offer , and critically examine the whole question . There cannot be this attitude of acceptance .