

v.使富有( enrich的第三人称单数 );使富裕;充实;使丰富

enriches 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

A baby is a gift which enriches your feelings and emotions , but a baby can also be an nspiring teacher as well .
Developers can drag elements from the profile and from the model library into uml diagrams . This enriches the design with api use and guides android application generation from the model .
Both leben and much food collocation do not alternate very much , especially , breakfast is matching for bread , dessert , there is trunk having sparse , good mouth feeling nutrition enriches .
It enriches a few bosses but saddles the state enterprises with enormous debts for which , in the end , the government is liable .
He believes that taking a company private , then doing an initial public offering again a few years later at a higher price , enriches the private equity firm and possibly the management , but not the shareholders .
Through the research , it not only enriches my creation , but also reaffirms the worth of the decorative style applied on female profile create the worthy works .
The fruit of scientific research enriches and renovates experimental teaching content with teaching and scientific research combined .
The modern demonstration is one has the rich content , involves the wide realm and along with the time development , but enriches its connotation unceasingly the topic .
The new marriage law of china prescribes that the matrimonial property system is the combination of legal community property system , individual peculiar system and conventional property system , which enriches and perfect the prescripts on connubial property relationship .
Their pious religious belief enriches the dance with religious colors .