

v.封…为贵族,使高贵( ennoble的现在分词 )

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The dignifying effect of his presence ; the ennobling influence of cultural .
They had been poor themselves and I have since been poor and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience .
Life is an unending adventure in this search and education a training and a preparation for it-the supreme means of ennobling and enriching these sources of the human mind and heart .
They had been poor themselves , and I have since been poor , and I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience .
But dr. kateb points out that if courage finds its highest expression in war , then the trait paradoxically becomes an immoral virtue , ennobling war and carnage by insisting that only in battle can men - and it usually is men - discover the depths of their nobility .
Fernea called it " family feminism , " but it was classic social feminism - the style of women 's liberation that hard-line egalitarians disdain but that great majorities of women find ennobling and empowering .
But about her is something ennobling .
In some ways it was an ennobling influence .
" Is an ennobling thing " , even if they 're in the hands of ulster unionist irishmen .
It is precisely herein that the role of art in ennobling and refining human nature finds its place in a meaningful social system .