

v.从事( engage的第三人称单数 );使从事(某种事业等) (in);吸引或引起(注意、兴趣等);与(某人)交战

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This security is violated when , for example , the government makes widespread use of informants , or engages in widespread eavesdropping -- even if no one 's privacy is actually violated .
The research team showed that music engages the areas of the brain involved with paying attention , making predictions and updating the event in memory .
The party often engages in activities such as contacting people who have voted in the primaries , which can be shown to be a waste of time and money .
While standing engages muscles in your back , shoulders and legs , sitting presents no positive physical challenge to the body , forcing it instead into an inactive state .
When a government -- as the bush administration did -- engages in expensive foreign and domestic policies that feed on deficits and debt , and consumers decide to follow suit , you eventually run into trouble .
It also engages in cyber-spying and other offensive operations , something it rarely , if ever , discusses publicly .
The region will certainly benefit if washington engages with east asia more fully .
The zanu-pf man standing for a local council says he now openly engages with his opposition rivals .
Turkey 's experience engages the imagination of arab public opinion in a way that iran 's or saudi arabia 's does not .