
v.<正>妨碍,阻碍,拖累( encumber的第三人称单数 )
encumbers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One that encumbers ; a burden or impediment .
- 负担,累赘成为负担的人;负担或累赘。
- Higher old age dependency ratio encumbers economy and higher young age dependency ratio benefits economy and aggregate labor force participation rate but causes ageing labor force participation rate to drop .
- 扶老比例愈高将拖累经济成长;育幼比例愈高则有助於经济及总合劳动参与率,但会使老年劳动参与率下降。
- Is not a patrons my lord , one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water , and , when he has reached ground , encumbers him with help ?
- 大人阁下,有的人眼见落水者在水中拼命挣扎而无动于衷,等他安全抵岸之后,却才多余地伸出所谓援手,莫非这就叫赞助人么?
- Many universities are forced to borrow money every year to pay back their old debts , which encumbers the development of the universities , liu said .
- 很多大学拆东墙补西墙,借新账还旧账,极大的阻碍了大学的发展,刘力云说道。