
v.装入胶囊( encapsulate的现在分词 );总结;扼要概括;囊括
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- In the utilization of manufacturing grid system , the processes of dynamic resource encapsulating and resource publishing were analyzed based on the model .
- 在开发的制造网格原型系统中,基于制造资源管理模型,对制造资源封装过程进行了分析。
- Another idea was to limit the drug to specific populations who are at the very highest risk , such as homosexual people who use intra venous drugs , but the fda adopted a vaguer category encapsulating anyone at high risk of contracting hiv .
- 另一个观点是限制有高风险的特殊人群的使用,例如使用静脉注射毒品的同性恋者,但是fda采取了一种非常模糊的封装方式使每个人都有很大的几率感染艾滋病毒。
- Dyson proposed that such a civilization would be capable of encapsulating a star with a swarm of satellites to harvest its energy .
- 戴森提出这样的文明将能够使用卫星群围封住一颗恒星从而获取它的能量。
- For me there is a beauty to capturing an individual with a pure focus on encapsulating that person in that moment .
- 对我来说,捕捉特定时刻、纯粹焦点里的个人镜头,是一种美。
- The hst researchers built their " biological legos " by encapsulating cells within a polymer called polyethylene glycol ( peg ) , which has many medical uses .
- hst研究人员将细胞封装在具备诸多医学应用的聚合物聚乙二醇(peg)中,打造出“生物积木”。
- In figure 3 , the gear box represents abstractions that deal generically with some fundamental data structure , and the yellow box represents portable code , encapsulating data inside it . Common building blocks
- 在图3中,齿轮箱代表了一般化地处理一些基础数据结构的抽象,黄色箱则代表了可移植的代码,把数据封装在其中。
- Over time , however , the virus-wires would clump together and lose their effectiveness , so the researchers added an extra step : encapsulating them in a microgel matrix , so they maintained their uniform arrangement and kept their stability and efficiency .
- 然而随着时间的推移,这些病毒丝会纠缠在一起,从而失去其作用,因此,研究人员增加了一个额外的步骤:将它们封装在微凝胶基质中,这样的安排可以使它们保持其均匀,从而保持其稳定和效率。
- We have developed an injectable foam suspension containing self-assembling , lipid-based microparticles encapsulating a core of pure oxygen gas for intravenous injection .
- 我们开发了一种可以注射的泡沫悬浮液,内含自己组装的以脂质为基础、中心封包纯净氧气的微粒。
- Building an ontology encapsulating the world 's knowledge may be an immense task , requiring an effort comparable to compiling a large encyclopedia and the expertise to build it , but it is feasible .
- 建立一个能够囊括世界上知识的本体论可能是一个巨大的任务,需要的努力可与编纂一部大百科全书比肩,并需要专家来构建,但它是切实可行的。
- But encapsulating their private details is important .
- 但是封装它们的私有细节是重要的。