v.<美>处电刑,触电致死( electrocute的过去式和过去分词 )
electrocuted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They 've dragged people into parliament and into the cabinet office and beaten and electrocuted them my two nieces were beaten like this .
- 他们把人拖进议会和政府办公室殴打电击他们,我的两个侄子就是这样被殴打的。
- Be careful with handling the wires , you could get electrocuted .
- 处理这些电线时当心,不小心你就可能触电。
- Many are hit by trains or cars , or electrocuted by low-hanging power lines .
- 许多大象被火车或汽车所撞,或因低挂电力线路触电。
- You think they were together when she was electrocuted ?
- 她被电死的时候他们在一起吗?
- You just electrocuted him ! Didn 't you check the grounding ?
- 你刚刚电到他了你没有检查接地吗?
- I think this is where he was electrocuted .
- 我想这是他电死的地方。
- Fine ? I was practically electrocuted . I can still see little dots .
- 很好?我几乎被电死了.我还可以看到很多小点.
- Being electrocuted is no joke .
- 被电刑处死不是开玩笑的事。
- That story you told me about the family that got electrocuted ?
- 还记得你给我讲的那个全家触电的事吗?
- Miraculously , even though she touched his body , which was touching the power line , she was not electrocuted herself .
- 神奇的是,虽然邦妮接触了汉克的躯体,而汉克接触着输电线,可邦妮却没有触电。