Ozone hole comes out at the south pole , the air efflux . And a large number of animals will be died out .
Reverse cholesterol transport and cholesterol efflux in atherosclerosis .
In a fixed-wing flying machine , lift and thrust come from separate sources-wings for lift , and propeller wash or jet efflux for thrust .
In fact , many chemical companies located in urban centers , some located on the shore golden waterway , sewage efflux is less pressure .
The ion channels are functional proteins in cell membrane which modulate ion influx or efflux , they play an important role in cellular metabolic processes .
Intracellular homeostasis for zinc is achieved through the coordinate regulation of specific transportersengaged in zinc influx , efflux , andintracellular compartmentalization .
Such an experimental reactor , typically located in a remote area , can operate super critically for a fraction of a second and thereby simulate the efflux of radiation and particles from a nuclear detonation .