

abbr.editors 编辑;enamel double silk 釉质双层丝网;enhanced disease susceptibility 疾病易感性增强
n.[医][=edema]浮肿,水肿( ed.的名词复数 )

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Researchers believe a variety of factors contribute to eds in this cohort .
Investigators learned that despite little indication of short sleep from traditional measurements , eds was more likely to occur in children who were experiencing learning , attention / hyperactivity and conduct problems .
" Impairment due to eds in cognitive and behavioral functioning can have a serious impact on a child 's development , " said susan calhoun , ph.d. , the study 's lead author .
Investigators posit obesity , symptoms of inattention , depression and anxiety , asthma and parent-reported trouble falling asleep were contributory factors to eds even among children with no signs of diminished sleep time or sleep apnea .
While eds are biologically based , dieting is a common trigger .
Although 42 % of britons say they intend to vote labour , only 26 % would entrust the two eds with the economy .
The reality is that eds can be deadly - and secrets don 't lead to treatment , and treatment is essential .
Many eds in the area have closed , even as the number of inpatient psychiatric beds has declined .
Labour 's most important tension might now be between the two eds
On tax-and-spend , many in the party-including many unions , who help to fund it-are to the left of even the two eds , and hope vaguely that tax increases on the rich can close the deficit .