
n.古怪行为( eccentricity的名词复数 );反常;怪癖
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- Once interpreted as signs of pathology , qaddafi 's eccentricities were redefined as mere personality quirks .
- 一旦被病理学解释为无疾病的影响,卡扎夫的怪癖被重新定义为单纯的人格异常。
- After reading the newer books on wilde , I returned to richard ellmann 's 1988 biography , which , despite some errors and eccentricities , still commands the field .
- 阅读了王尔德一些较新的书后,我回头看1988年理查德ellmann的传记,其中,尽管出现了一些错误和怪癖,依然主导着该领域。
- You 'd think I 'd be used to their eccentricities by now .
- 你可能会以为我已经习惯了他们的怪癖。
- Western firms are only just beginning to grasp the eccentricities of the indonesian social-media market .
- 西方公司才刚开始了解到印度尼西亚社交网络市场的怪异。
- These little habits are the origins of quirks and eccentricities that appear in later behaviour .
- 这些不起眼的习惯正是日后行为中出现种种怪癖的根源。
- They appreciate each other 's eccentricities and differences , especially as woman and man .
- 他们欣赏对方的各种怪癖行为和不同之处,特别是其作为男人或女人所特有的。
- They view it to be such strange eccentricities .
- 他们认为这是如此稀奇。
- Vegetarians who declare their dietary eccentricities in korea usually meet with a gasp , a grimace , and an " isn 't it difficult ? "
- 在韩国,素食者宣布他们的饮食食谱时,别人的反映通常是大吃一惊,做痛苦状,并问到“不会很难吗?”
- The nuclear threat and the vicious eccentricities of its leadership are , for the west , the most compelling of the country 's features .
- 对于西方来说,朝鲜最为显著的特征就是核威胁和邪恶而古怪的领导人。
- The minister was glad to have reached this shelter , without first betraying himself to the world by any of those strange and wicked eccentricities to which he had been continually impelled while passing through the streets .
- 牧师能够进到这个庇荫之地,暗自高兴,因为这样一来,他就无须向世人暴露他在街上一路走来时那不断怂恿他的种种离奇古怪的邪念了。