In fact , not all the abandoned electronics coming out the united states end up at dumps .
Our latest round-up shows that many housing markets are still in the dumps
Hardly had he left when twist observed : " your friend seems to be down in the dumps . "
If you have the right genes and are selfless , optimistic and active but still find yourself down in the dumps , just give it some time .
Once declared a historic landmark , the hospital 's 24 buildings , garages and dumps are crumbling , a target for vandals and a party center for young revelers .
Rather like the venture capitalists behind the american software industry , mr gates is a venture philanthropist : he backs schemes , assesses them and dumps failures .
Republicans have defied expectations by quickly rallying around mr romney , his campaign notes , whereas democrats seem down in the dumps .
The country dumps upwards of 330 tons of rubbish on the island every day , a figure attributed largely to the tourist industry on which the chain of atolls relies .
Nor did he say how he proposed to overcome local opposition to the creation of dumps , which can be fiercer even than resistance to the building of incinerators .
It also has the potential to be used to make biodegradable clothing , furnishings and hygiene products such as nappies - objects which now end up mouldering for decades in rubbish dumps .