

dreamily 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Maya smiles dreamily in agreement and her head rolls back .
- 玛雅恍惚地微笑表示同意,又将头转了回去。
- She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms .
- 她悠悠忽忽、伏伏贴贴地伏在他的怀里。
- She smiled , looking dreamily out on the shifty landscape .
- 她脸露微笑,用一种梦幻似的目光看着那变化莫测的景色。
- Michela stared dreamily out at the falling snow .
- 米凯勒心不在焉地看着外边的降雪。
- Mrs. lynde found her still staring dreamily in the mirror when she came in , bringing clean towels .
- 林德太太给安妮送来干净的被子时发现她还如痴如醉地盯着那面镜子。
- Spokesmen for the ministry of mines dreamily speculate that afghanistan could be self-sufficient in energy within 15 years .
- 矿产部发言人满怀憧憬地推测,阿富汗15年内就可以实现能源自给。
- Upon leaving the theater , a girl of about 6 turned to her grandmother and said dreamily , " that . Was . The . Best . Movie . Ever . "
- 一个大约6岁的小女孩在离开电影院的时候,转头对奶奶一脸梦幻地说:“这部电影是最最棒的。”
- The child stood dreamily gazing .
- 男孩站在那里,做梦般看着。
- " The handbag on the mannequin in the window , " I repeated dreamily .
- “橱窗里人体模特拎的手包,”我迷迷糊糊地重复说。
- The man talked about his girlfriend dreamily .
- 那男的谈到女友时神色朦胧。