

v.将(小说或事件)改编成剧本( dramatize的现在分词 );使(事情)戏剧化,夸张

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In practice , however , it might as well be a state run organization reduced to merely dramatizing officially sanctioned news .
The nutcracker is a ballet by peter ilyich tchaikovsky , dramatizing a children 's story of christmas .
Tv news attempts to sensationalize and dramatizing poverty news in order to meet audience 's needs of visual and hearing sensation-seeking which , in turn , makes tv news ignore to cover the causes and solutions of poverty .
Elixir of sulfanilamide , containing the poisonous solvent diethylene glycol , kills 107 persons , many of whom are children , dramatizing the need to establish drug safety before marketing and to enact the pending food and drug law .
He is dramatizing the story of his life .
The traditional opera factors in dream of the red chamber and the trend of dramatizing .
Getting noticed is largely a matter of dramatizing issues .
This book does just that , dramatizing the events , using real-life characters appearing under their own names .