

n.歌剧中的女主角( diva的名词复数 )

divas 变化形式

易混淆的单词: DIVAS

divas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Not only do women now have to climb the professional ladder but they are expected to be domestic divas too .
He loved the world of glitter and divas , of judy garland and diana ross .
Such information is first placed into the ascension grid work , which then is downloaded to the genetic grid work by the angels and divas involved with the weaving of form .
As halperin reports in the book , many gay men were also upset by his wish to identify and examine something called the " gay sensibility " in terms of supposedly retrograde obsessions like divas , musical theater , and interior design .
And no women over 40 will be entertaining audiences at the tauranga tarnished frocks and divas show in new zealand ( wait for 2013 ) .
Sitting in turquoise waters surrounded by coral reefs , necker has played host to everyone who 's anyone : from pop divas mariah carey and janet jackson to internet tycoon larry page who reportedly had his wedding there .
Opera is no stranger to sensitive singers and demanding divas .
I guess they are just like any other divas .
As the divas return , they will call in the water necessary to cause physical life to manifest .
One may also link up with other ascending initiates for this purpose upon a weekly or monthly basis until all divas have been restored upon the land .