divas 变化形式
易混淆的单词: DIVAS
divas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Not only do women now have to climb the professional ladder but they are expected to be domestic divas too .
- 如今,女性不仅要攀爬职业阶梯,人们期望她们也能成为家务主角。
- He loved the world of glitter and divas , of judy garland and diana ross .
- 他热爱这个五彩缤纷,拥有朱迪嘉兰和戴安娜罗斯的世界。
- Such information is first placed into the ascension grid work , which then is downloaded to the genetic grid work by the angels and divas involved with the weaving of form .
- 这类信息首先被放置到提升晶格层中,然后由与身体编织有关的天使和提婆们下载到遗传晶格层中。
- As halperin reports in the book , many gay men were also upset by his wish to identify and examine something called the " gay sensibility " in terms of supposedly retrograde obsessions like divas , musical theater , and interior design .
- 哈伯林在书中的调查报告令很多男同性恋者很不安,因为他们担心作者依据推测出来的旧式癖好,如崇拜戏剧名伶、喜爱音乐剧和室内设计,来有意鉴别和调查所谓的“男同性恋敏感性”。
- And no women over 40 will be entertaining audiences at the tauranga tarnished frocks and divas show in new zealand ( wait for 2013 ) .
- 在新西兰将没有年过40的女性观众观看在塔朗哥举办的“穿着污浊罩衫的全能明星秀”。(等到2013年才行)
- Sitting in turquoise waters surrounded by coral reefs , necker has played host to everyone who 's anyone : from pop divas mariah carey and janet jackson to internet tycoon larry page who reportedly had his wedding there .
- 坐在珊瑚礁环绕的蓝绿色海水中,尼克岛招待着每一个人,无论是谁:从音乐天后玛丽亚凯莉还有珍妮杰克逊到据说在那里举办了婚礼的互联网大亨拉里佩奇。
- Opera is no stranger to sensitive singers and demanding divas .
- 歌剧向来不乏敏感的歌手与苛求的女主唱。
- I guess they are just like any other divas .
- 我想他们就像任何其他歌剧名伶。
- As the divas return , they will call in the water necessary to cause physical life to manifest .
- 当小精灵们回归时,它们将召唤必要的水元素来让物质生命显化。
- One may also link up with other ascending initiates for this purpose upon a weekly or monthly basis until all divas have been restored upon the land .
- 你也可以和其他提升人类在每周或者每月的基础上,为了这个目标连接起来,直到所有小精灵都回到大地上为止。