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美音 [dɪ'stræktɪŋ]    


v.使(人)分心,分散(注意力)( distract的现在分词 );打扰

distracting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

There are no distracting hyperlinks on a typewriter .
Until recently , financial markets consistently shrugged off the debt-ceiling fight as distracting political theater .
" If you have ads obscuring your content , you might want to think about it , " asking publishers to consider , " do they see content or something else that 's distracting or annoying ? "
So I ate a quick snack and then ignored every distracting urge I had for two hours - no email , no phone calls , no cute youtube videos - until I finished my piece , which I did with 30 minutes to spare .
Some music might be too distracting , so keep trying until you find something that helps relax you without distracting you .
One aspect is the ability to ignore distracting and irrelevant information and focus on a given task .
Olmsted fought against distracting elements .
This is partly because designers think clothes look better when there is no distracting flesh beneath them .
But , like other politicians , he has moved swiftly on to a distracting argument about institutions instead of keeping focused on the incentives that might actually make a difference .
The jury is still out on whether this makes for a better or more distracting reading experience , but this design decision clearly centers on the content that the designer wants to deliver .