英音  [dɪ'sektɪd]    
美音 [dɪ'sektɪd]    


v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的过去式和过去分词 );仔细分析或研究

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Many people hate the idea of a loved one being dissected even if it could provide vital clues about how and why they died .
When dissected , the treated rats turned out to have three times the usual number of newborn neurons in a brain region called the dentate gyrus .
They then dissected the brains to see whether any of the mice had made new cells in the hippocampus , a region of the brain associated with learning and memory .
Then in england in 1751 , parliament passed the murder act , allowing for all executed criminals to be publicly dissected .
The reason , he found when he dissected the animals , was that the density of nerve fibres in their spines had increased almost fourfold in response to the combination of electricity , stimulating chemicals and greed .
The novelist and the painter and the poet embrace those ephemeral aspects of the mind that cannot be reduced or dissected or translated into the activity of an acronym .
If you choose to donate your body to research and education , you 'll likely end up being dissected by a medical student .
Afterward , his roommate , an american medical student , dissected the mice , announced to von braun that the high acceleration caused cerebral hemorrhages .
And no matter how much he dissected beauty in search of the principles that underlie beauty and make beauty possible , he was aware , always , of the innermost mystery of beauty to which he did not penetrate and to which no man had ever penetrated .
To show that rasfs had traveled within the body ( and weren 't just , say , turned on remotely by another secretion ) , the scientists dissected the organs of 20 of the mice .