

n.分配( dispensation的名词复数 )

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Prof ye says there have been discussions with european and asian regulators to examine the scope for greater authorisations in their own regions under dispensations for traditional medicine .
Rosset holds that it is also lawful , when the diocese is poor , to demand payment of the expenses it incurs for dispensations .
These are the eternal , immutable laws of good and evil , to which the creator himself in all his dispensations conforms ; and which he has enabled human reason to discover , so far as they are necessary for the conduct of human actions .
In 1495 the church began selling dispensations at immense cost to butter-eating countries like germany , hungary , bohemia and later france , assuring them that god loves butter as long as you pay for it .
Dispensations of providence are providential events which affect men either in the way of mercy or of judgement .
A principle maintained by some authors , viz , that the bishop can grant all dispensations which the pope has not reserved to himself , cannot be admitted .
All students , monks , nuns , and members having similar religious status in other religious dispensations as well as lay men and women are required to be decently dressed .
Following the principles laid down for dispensations in general , a matrimonial dispensation granted without sufficient cause , even by the pope himself , would be illicit ; the more difficult and numerous the impediments the more serious must be the motives for removing them .