

v.损毁…的外形,使变丑( disfigure的现在分词 )

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Burns are the most painful and disfiguring pathology a person can experience and ozone therapy is so simple and so inexpensive .
However , one of the most prominent figures in wiping out the deadly , disfiguring disease is in favor of destroying all remnants of it .
And thanks for letting me know I can 't boil a cup water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face ...... disfiguring me for life .
Some hemangiomas do require intervention , either because they could be disfiguring or might endanger the child 's normal functions or life .
Emma had developed vitiligo , an incurable long-term disease that causes a disfiguring loss of skin colour .
Scar formation was avoided , and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed .
Qingdao deren hospital professional autoepidermal graftion only , vitiligo , starting from disease root disfiguring skin with internal body system adjustment imbalance has the very big relations .
If the lamp topples , and the oil spills , it quickly ignites causing disfiguring burns or even death to thousands of people each year .
There were many women at that time , upon whom the time laid a dreadfully disfiguring hand ; but , there was not one among them more to be dreaded than this ruthless woman , now taking her way along the streets .
Researchers have yet to determine the underlying cause of this disfiguring , debilitating condition or find an effective anti-fibrotic remedy .