
v.损毁…的外形,使变丑( disfigure的现在分词 )
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- Burns are the most painful and disfiguring pathology a person can experience and ozone therapy is so simple and so inexpensive .
- 伯恩斯是最痛苦和毁容病理学一个人可以体验和臭氧治疗是简单又便宜。
- However , one of the most prominent figures in wiping out the deadly , disfiguring disease is in favor of destroying all remnants of it .
- 然而,在消除可怕的致命疾病方面最权威的科学家中,有一位支持摧毁所有剩余病毒的计划。
- And thanks for letting me know I can 't boil a cup water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face ...... disfiguring me for life .
- 也要多谢说给我知不好用微波炉把水热滚的人若不热水会往我脸面扑去……终生毁容。
- Some hemangiomas do require intervention , either because they could be disfiguring or might endanger the child 's normal functions or life .
- 一些血管瘤确实需要进行干涉,或者因为他们可能操作外貌,或者危及孩子的正常功能或生活。
- Emma had developed vitiligo , an incurable long-term disease that causes a disfiguring loss of skin colour .
- 艾玛患上了白癜风,一种无法治愈的长期疾病,这种病会导致肤色损坏。
- Scar formation was avoided , and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed .
- 并且避免了疤痕的形成,而且几乎没有观察到结缔组织有色素沉著。
- Qingdao deren hospital professional autoepidermal graftion only , vitiligo , starting from disease root disfiguring skin with internal body system adjustment imbalance has the very big relations .
- 青岛德仁医院专业治疗白癜风,从白癜风疾病根源入手,皮肤色素脱失跟身体内部系统调节失衡有很大的关系。
- If the lamp topples , and the oil spills , it quickly ignites causing disfiguring burns or even death to thousands of people each year .
- 万一油灯不慎倒落,油溢出后即迅速著火,每年被火烧伤甚至死亡者达数千人。
- There were many women at that time , upon whom the time laid a dreadfully disfiguring hand ; but , there was not one among them more to be dreaded than this ruthless woman , now taking her way along the streets .
- 那时的许多妇女都被时代之手捏弄得可怕地变了形,却没有一个妇女能比现在走在大街上的这个无情的女人更可怕的了。
- Researchers have yet to determine the underlying cause of this disfiguring , debilitating condition or find an effective anti-fibrotic remedy .
- 研究人员尚未确定系统硬化的根本原因或者找到抗纤维化的有效疗法。