

n.圆盘( disc的名词复数 );唱片;磁盘;背脊骨间的软骨层

discs 变化形式

易混淆的单词: DISCs

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Coating chocolate and some brands of couverture come in small discs for easy melting .
The hope is that the computers , discs and drives american special forces seized during their raid will wreck such plans .
Separately , other astronomers used nasa 's spitzer space telescope and the keck ii telescope in hawaii to find water molecules in discs of dust and gas around two young stars .
To perform this task well , they had to realise and accept the need to move their discs away from their intended goal before moving them closer .
A few metres above it hangs another circular mirror ; beyond it , much higher up , are two more discs , one blue , one darker .
The new technology allows ikegami to dump all unedited footage from its cameras onto holographic discs .
Officials at the s.e.c. , the house oversight committee and the new york attorney general 's office insist the information they received had been turned over in the form of papers and discs , never a hard drive , and deny they are the source of the wikileaks cache .
The water is at the centre of spinning discs of particles that may eventually coalesce to form planets around the stars dr tau , 457 light-years from earth and as205a , 391 light-years from earth , they report in astrophysical journal letters .
It is also working on ways to make its holographic discs re-writable .
Those discs that identified a target exploded dozens of metres up .