Faze v. to disrupt the composure of ; disconcert .
" But I just ca n 't see you in the role of a guardian , " and she laughed , hoping to disconcert him .
The two women looked on without uttering a word , without a gesture , without a look which could disconcert the bishop .
But the news that ge 's leadership was willing to bend the rules over relatively tiny sums may well disconcert investors and analysts .
For graver reasons . How could she face her parents , get back her box , and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family , on such sentimental grounds ?
How could she face her parents , get back her box , and disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family on such sentimental grounds ?
That almost makes up a disconcert fact .
To make ashamed or uneasy ; disconcert .
To make uneasy or perplexed ; disconcert .
The young madam was disconcert to discover that she was being watched . C.