

developer 变化形式
复数: developers
developer 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A hong kong developer is building one of the world 's largest polo communities .
- 一家香港房地产开发商正在建造全球最大的马球会所之一。
- You seem to have a uniquely generous philosophy in the indie developer world .
- 你在独立开发者的圈子里面一直遵循着特有的慷慨哲学。
- I was focused on my climb to the top as a successful real-estate developer .
- 我专注于爬上顶峰成为一名成功的房地产开发商。
- One property developer in fujian province explained his method for raising capital .
- 福建省的一名房地产开发商对他筹措资金的办法做了解释。
- Hackers are reported to have mounted repeated attacks on the website of green dam 's developer .
- 据称黑客们已经对绿坝开发商的网站进行了大量反复的攻击。
- The django framework can make your life as a web developer a lot easier .
- 在django框架可以让一个web开发者的生活为更轻松。
- In fact , rovio no longer describes itself as a games developer .
- 事实上,rovio不再把自己描述为一个游戏开发者。
- Or you can get a developer to build it for you .
- 你自己也可以做一个,或者请一个开发者来帮你。
- Maybe they don 't have a particular feature that the developer wants .
- 可能开发者手头上拥有的操作系统并没有具备他们想要的某一个特性。
- The developer is working on ways to harvest similar data from people 's twitter updates .
- 该应用的开发者目前正在致力于通过twitter的更新来收获类似信息。