
n.游行示威者( demonstrator的名词复数 );证明者,示范者
demonstrators 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In rome the protests turned violent as demonstrators set cars alight and hurled rocks at police .
- 在罗马,随着游行队伍开始烧车并且向警察扔石头,抗议活动已经转向暴力。
- Politicians and the press have rushed to pander to the demonstrators .
- 政治家们和媒体人士纷纷踊跃地迎合着示威人群。
- But he did say the demonstrators reflect a growing desire for change in iran .
- 但是他确实说,这次示威游行反映伊朗的改革愿望高涨。
- But the observers withdrew in late january to protest continued attacks on demonstrators .
- 但为了抗议叙利亚政府对示威活动继续攻击,观察员于一月下旬撤出了叙利亚。
- According to reports , police used firearms against sleeping demonstrators .
- 据报道,警方使用枪械袭击熟睡中的示威人群。
- Police detained hundreds of demonstrators .
- 数百名示威者遭警方拘押。
- In athens , demonstrators wave eu flags with the swastika imposed upon it .
- 在雅典,抗议者们挥舞着印有纳粹标志的欧盟旗帜。
- The extraordinary endurance of demonstrators week after week is paying off .
- 示威游行者的非凡忍耐力在一周周过去后得到了回报。
- In a tense sixth day of protests , the army sent tanks into the square only to see them blocked by demonstrators .
- 在抗议的第六天的紧张气氛中,军队派来的坦克却被游行者们给栏了下来。
- Various companies , including one started by dr keith , are trying to produce demonstrators for such technologies .
- 包括keith博士创建的一个公司在内的各个公司正在尝试建造这种技术的示范产品。