More likely , though , as the rhetoric of demagoguery rises , the prospects of negotiation dim .
The reason obama 's attacks on bain capital , which in their tone and technical charges involving securities and exchange commission filings can sound like demagoguery , are in fact legitimate is because bain 's history is a proxy for the larger debate about why inequality is increasing and who gets hurt .
Both moves have been criticised in the israeli peace camp as cheap gimmickry ( the mild critics ) , outright demagoguery ( the moderate critics ) or incipient fascism ( the severe critics ) . The criticisms overlap .
Most young people , at the age of undergraduate university students , have not been exposed to serious philosophical argument about the nature of rights , and so their main acquaintance with the concept comes from the demands of rent-seeking pressure groups in the political system and the demagoguery of politicians .