英音  [dɪ'lɪvərɪz]    
美音 [dɪ'lɪvərɪz]    


n.投递( delivery的名词复数 );[法律](正式)交付;分娩;表演

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Doctors are overworked and underpaid , and many push drug sales or charge extra for services such as deliveries to make more money .
Home births are most common for white women who are not hispanic , accounting for 1 % of deliveries - 1 in every 90 babies .
Breech deliveries where a baby is born bottom-first are twice as likely in families in which either the mother or the father was born in this position .
Bailit is part of an effort led by iams and donovan to reduce the number of scheduled deliveries before 39 weeks across the state of ohio .
Distort your public health system 's financial incentives for a generation or two , so that doctors learn they can count on higher pay and more predictable work schedules when they perform cesareans rather than waiting for natural deliveries .
He has asked congress to consider changing the law and allowing the postal service to cut deliveries from six days a week to five .
And fewer deliveries may give the impression that the mail is slower and less reliable than it was before the recession .
Last september , after three years of delay , boeing made the first deliveries of its newest model , the 787 dreamliner .
Airbus is targeting about 500 plane deliveries this year , up from 498 last year .
Boeing has yet to release a new time frame for test flights and first deliveries .