The fairy tales are well stocked with delightful paradoxes , yet they are encircled by strangeness and sadness .
A simple pine floor completes a simple and delightful garden sleep out / guest bedroom .
This week I talked to an audience consisting mainly of young europeans in an ancient and delightful dutch city that is becoming a little worried about its place in the history books .
I could not go myself but my friend and solicitor mr sydney morse took an instrument to scotland and had the honour of showing it to the delightful old lady .
A dozen warblers of this species , singing in concert , and distributed in different parts of the field , form , perhaps , the most delightful part of the woodland oratorio to which we have listened .
Over nine consistently delightful chapters , zuk pulls focus between the intriguing daily habits of ants , bees , grasshoppers , cockroaches and crickets ( to name just a few of her subjects ) and the broader questions that drive evolutionary biology and ecology .