But the angriest attacks came from roosevelt 's distant cousin franklin delano roosevelt who took office amid the worst financial crisis in american history .
This wealth also enabled joseph to buy as much political influence from the franklin delano roosevelt administration as he wanted ( including the london ambassadorship ) .
President franklin delano roosevelt unleashed an alphabet soup of new agencies and a host of new regulations in the aftermath of the market crash of 1929 .
A similar result was experienced by both herbert hoover and franklin delano roosevelt after they deployed a plethora of government interventions to combat the great depression .
Many teenagers and tweens love the trendy furniture and amenities like the oversize chess set by the delano hotel 's pool in miami or the pet goldfish offered upon check-in at the soho grand in new york .
In american politics , the new york governor , franklin delano roosevelt , was planning his campaign for the 1932 presidential election .
Perfect timing , then , for a biography of one of the most influential , yet least acclaimed , figures from the period : frances perkins , franklin delano roosevelt 's secretary of labour .