英音  [deftlɪ]    
美音 [ˈdɛftlɪ]    



deftly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

They have deftly played the role of saviour just when western banks have been exposed as the achilles heel of the global financial system .
Even then , to get her policies through , the new president will need to handle the legislature deftly .
From the beginning she had clipped a mouse 's ear or prepped a rat for a skin graft as deftly as if she had always worked with animals .
Mr ackermann speaks with the authority of a man who steered his bank through the crisis more deftly than most .
Deftly , he drew attention to what some people regard as his weakest point-that he does not look like a prime minister .
A country once known for its macroeconomic incompetence has maintained an enviable stability , deftly navigating the 2008 financial crisis as well as the more recent influx of foreign capital .
He deftly swatted suggestions , including from the former president jimmy carter , that racial prejudice motivates some of his critics and won a big cheer by pointing to his election victory in november .
Mr cohan handles his material deftly , portraying bear as symptomatic of an industry that had come to believe its own hype and had lost sight of how inherently unstable it really was .
Mike huckabee , the runner-up for the nomination last time around , suggested replacing the entire federal tax code with a 30 % federal sales tax , deftly if misleadingly branded as the " fair tax " .
For instance , it breaks no law to clear french gypsy camps . It is not inherently racist to call for tighter border controls . But deftly done , such moves send a discreet signal to voters with a taste for a stronger political message .