Mr obama worries about the defection of conservative democrats in battleground states .
The defection of people from other parties would bring welcome organising skills .
Life becomes dangerously insecure when new technologies , innovations , and ideas increase the scope of defection .
If we can increase the benefits of cooperation or the costs of defection , we can induce people to act in the group interest -- because it is also in their self-interest .
Worse still , by the time that society realises the scope of defection has increased and societal pressures need to be increased , irreversible damage may already have been done .
But in general , societal pressures work as a delicate balance between cooperation and defection : too little societal pressure and the scope of defection becomes too great ; too much and security is too costly .
Dreber , rand , nowak , and drew fudenberg of harvard 's department of economics recruited 104 boston-area college students to participate in a computer-based prisoner 's dilemma game that was extended to include costly punishment alongside the usual options of cooperation and defection .