In america religious voices both praise and decry the capitalist order .
Republicans , who generally favour a smaller stimulus with more tax cuts , decry mr obama 's bill as wasteful .
For even as they decry the flaws and hypocrisies of western democracies , the world 's autocrats feel compelled to ape their practices .
And it might take a brave energy minister to endorse a measure that many would decry as unvarnished protectionism .
And yet , even now , after all this , professors stand in front of their students and decry the evil of capitalism .
It would be a complete mistake to decry love of power altogether as a motive .
Some decry what they see as discrimination against foreign-born maids ; other say that giving them permanent status could have serious economic consequences .
Many of those who decry american double standards would be even more appalled by a us that cheerfully embraced a completely amoral foreign policy .
It is this exclusivity that gives ammunition to those who decry the sport , believing it to be no more than rich people killing rare birds for fun .