

deceptively 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This wonderful mechanical wooden mirror looks deceptively simple .
- 这个奇妙的机械木镜看起来看似简单。
- The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the ganzfeld technique .
- 这些遥视者用的是看似简单的方法,这种方法是建立在所谓的甘兹菲尔德技术的基础上的。
- Problem solving is a deceptively simple process that enables you to come up with creative solutions for managing your stress .
- 解决难题是一个看似简单的过程,它能使你想出有创意的解决问题的方法,以便应对压力。
- Consider where the icebergs might be that you can 't see , or where the threats might look deceptively small on the surface .
- 想想那些可能在你看不见的地方的冰山,又或者是那些表面上看似很小的威胁。
- The questions are clear , and deceptively simple .
- 这些问题很清楚,其简单却是假象。
- Blowing up a vehicle is deceptively difficult .
- 要想一辆车炸毁还是很困难的。
- It 's deceptively simple , don 't you think ?
- 满朴素的,不觉得吗?
- It 's deceptively difficult to replicate the product we get from animals .
- 要复制出我们从动物那里得到的肉实在是太难了。
- She would have a sense of the undercurrents that flowed beneath the deceptively calm surface .
- 她能够感觉到在那骗人的平静表面下流动着的许多暗流。
- To conceal , as something common or crude , with a deceptively attractive outward show .
- 虚饰用欺骗的诱人外观掩饰普通的或粗陋的东西等。