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- They control much of panjwayi , zhari and arghandab , three neighbouring districts , and have a strong influence in dand , between kandahar and quetta .
- 他们控制了panjwayi,zhari和arghandab的大部分地区(3个地区均为郊区),并在坎大哈和quetta(奎塔)中间的dand地区影响很大。
- An official from dand wa patan , a small sliver of a district along the border with pakistan , so urgently wanted to talk to the members of the american team that he traveled three and a half hours by taxi - he had no car - to meet them .
- 一位来自邻近巴基斯坦边界条状区dandwapatan的官员迫切需要与美国小组成员会谈,但由于自己没有车,他不得不坐3个半小时的出租车与他们碰面。
- In dand , for example , a dusty region on the southern outskirts of kandahar , he recently exhorted his troops , in front of this correspondent , to tell him what they thought was " wrong " with their effort to secure afghanistan , whether they thought it was " doable " .
- 例如,最近,在坎大哈灰尘弥漫的南部郊区---dand,他在通讯记者面前鼓励部队告诉他他们认为在保卫阿富汗所做的努力中什么是“错的”,他们认为这项使命能否“可行”。