
n.中耕机( cultivator的名词复数 );耕耘机;耕种者;农民
cultivators 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They 're nomad cultivators , never replenishing the soil . When they 've milked the land dry they move on somewhere else .
- 他们采用的是游牧型的耕作方式,从不给土壤加点肥,一旦把土地的肥力抽干了,就往别处迁移。
- For instance , true cultivators of buddhadharma should not smoke , drink , or eat meat .
- 譬如真正修佛法的人,要不抽菸,不喝酒,不吃那多的肉。
- Still , studies of the genomes of cereal crops illustrate how prehistoric cultivators , by selecting for visible traits , were unwittingly selecting particular genes .
- 尽管如此,谷物的基因组研究,说明了史前耕种者在选择可见性状时,不知情地选择出特定的基因。
- Cultivators should practice effortlessly , accumulating merit and good deeds without becoming attached to them .
- 修道人,要行所无事,积功累行,不可执著。
- He added , after a pause : " remember this , my friends : there are no such things as bad plants or bad men . There are only bad cultivators . "
- 他沉默了一会,又接下去说:“我的朋友们,记牢这一点,世界上没有坏草,也没有坏人,只有坏的庄稼人。”
- If cultivators can let go of their parents and immerse themselves in cultivation , they are on the right track .
- 修行人,能把父母放下,专心一致修行,这是对的.
- New plows , seed drills , cultivators , mowers , and threshers , as well as the reaper , all appeared by 1860 .
- 到1860年时,农民就已经用上了新型的犁、播种机、中耕机、割草机、脱粒机及收割机。
- The above data of farm families and cultivated lands shall include the household registration records of family , the land registration records of cultivated land , the actual cultivators and cultivation records ;
- 前项农户耕地数据,应包括农户之户籍、耕地之地籍、实际耕作人及耕作纪录;
- We are a people of cultivators , scattered over an immense territory , communicating with each other by means of good roads and navigable rivers ; united by the silken bands of mild government , all respecting the laws , without dreading their power , because they are equitable .
- 我们是一个耕者民族,散居在一片巨大的领土上,通过良好的道路和可通航的河流相互交流,由温和政府的丝带把我们联在一起,大家都尊重法律而不畏惧其权力,因为法律是公平的。
- Making the resource and environment advantages of beidahuang to become a brand and strength advantages and to benefit for trenchermen and seek favourable for cultivators , we will make a new contribution for development of domestic green foodstuffs , therefore it 's a history mission of beidahuang fengyuan group .
- 为食者造福、为耕者谋利,将北大荒的资源优势、环境优势发展成品牌优势、实力优势,为我国绿色食品的发展做出新贡献,是北大荒丰缘集团的历史使命。