

n.甲壳纲动物(如蟹、龙虾)( crustacean的名词复数 )
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- Silvery gray antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans .
- 靠甲壳类动物维持生活的银灰色大西洋海豹。
- Most of those are probably crustaceans , molluscs , phytoplankton and other small organisms .
- 它们中的大多数可能是甲壳类,软体动物、浮游植物和其他微小生物。
- Crabs , lobsters and shrimps are crustaceans .
- 螃蟹、龙虾和虾都是甲壳类动物。
- Many think of them as crabs and crustaceans when in fact they are more related to spiders and scorpions .
- 许多人认为他们的蟹和甲壳类动物,而事实上,他们更多地涉及到蜘蛛和蝎子。
- Sir . J. lubbock has recently remarked , that several minute crustaceans offer excellent illustration of this law .
- 卢布克爵士最近指出,小型甲壳类中有几种较好的例子,可作为这一法则的说明。
- In this study , the only crustaceans that became simpler were either parasites or those living in remote habitats , such as isolated marine caves .
- 在这项研究中,唯一的向简单方向进化的甲壳类动物有可能是真的寄生虫或生活在遥远栖息地的动物,比如单独的海蚀洞。
- Canning , preserving and processing of fish and crustaceans .
- 鱼类和介壳类的装罐,腌制和加工。
- Flying fish eat plankton and small crustaceans .
- 飞鱼吃浮游生物和小甲壳纲的动物。
- Minute crustaceans forming food for right whales .
- 作为露脊鲸食物的微小的甲壳动物。
- Draft quarantine requirements for the importation of live crustaceans and molluscs .
- 活甲壳类和软体类动物进口检疫要求草案。