
n.压碎的东西,镇服人的事实,打击( crusher的名词复数 )
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- " In principle , we will not approve the building of any new crushers or the expansion by existing firms in the years to come , because output already exceeds demand and repeated construction has become a serious problem , " she said .
- 她表示,原则上,在未来几年,不会批准新建压榨厂,或现有企业的扩建,因为产出业已经超过了需求,重复建设情况严重。
- Other presses , crushers and similar machinery .
- 其它压榨机、轧碎机或类似机械。
- The secondary screens receive the coal from the crushers and remove the fines .
- 经压碎后的煤通过第二道筛,筛出细粉。
- On the basis of the analysis of the crushing mechanism of feeding type crushers and in view of their structural characteristics , a calculation method for this kind of crushers by computer imitation is put forward so as to provide a theoretical basis for their design .
- 在分析喂给式破碎机的破碎机理的基础上,针对其结构特点,利用计算机模拟方式提出了该种破碎机生产能力的计算方法,可为其设计提供理论依据。
- In mine applications , in the next few years , with the coal industry , shut the reorganization of the small coal mine and translated , but scale above mine coal output increased continuously at the same time , the rise of crushers all increase demand .
- 在矿山应用方面,未来几年,随着煤炭行业的整顿,关停并转小煤矿,但是规模以上的煤矿不断增多同时煤炭产量的上升,都增大了对破碎机的需求。
- Faced with tepid domestic demand , some soybean crushers in shandong province have also used lcs to import beans , then sold the beans into the market , even at a loss , to get cash that they can channel back into the underground banking system .
- 面对不温不火的国内需求,山东省的一些大豆加工商也用信用证进口大豆,即便亏本也要在市场上卖掉,以获得现金,然后通过渠道流向地下银行系统。
- Crushers , belt conveyor , vibrating screen .
- 破碎机、皮带运输机、振动筛。
- If that happens , brazil 's growers , crushers and distillers will be even happier than they are already .
- 如果是这样,巴西的甘蔗种植商,压榨商和蒸馏商都会比现在更兴奋。