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criticality 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

More recently , it has become clear that brain activity also shows signs of self-organised criticality on a larger scale .
In technical terms , systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of " self-organised criticality " .
They used brain scans to map the connections between regions of the human brain and discovered that they form a " small-world network " - exactly the right architecture to support self-organised criticality .
Importantly , the ratio of large to small avalanches fit the predictions of the computational models that had first suggested that the brain might be in a state of self-organised criticality ( the journal of neuroscience , vol 23 , p 11167 ) .
The work of bullmore 's team is compelling evidence that self-organised criticality is an essential property of brain activity , says neuroscientist david liley at swinburne university of technology in melbourne , australia , who has worked on computational models of chaos in the brain .
Those who play the game will learn about trends and issues that are real and that are familiar to those in the defense base , but are not known widely : the criticality of rare-earth elements , the moving of more systems into the ai and robotic space .
An investigation of the accident found that the company had changed its work procedures for preparing nuclear fuel three years earlier , streamlining these but also increasing the likelihood of their causing a criticality .
Japan itself had a level 4 accident in 1999 , when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a japan nuclear fuel conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction , called a criticality .
In the past , side effects of that relationship have included data falsification and fabrication , deliberately duping safety inspectors , and failure to report problems such as uncontrolled criticality incidents at reactors and emergency shutdowns .
Could it be another example of self-organised criticality in the brain ?