Now , before you string me up for being crass , just hear me out .
I suspect he has told you to socialise because that is his crass way of nurturing you .
It 's just a crass ultimatum !
Running a big business is sordid and crass .
Perhaps this sounds crass , but there 's truth to the conventional wisdom that having kids changes everything .
By 11 p.m. , the first text came in : " bin laden dead . I 'm sorry if it 's crass to text you this but I 'm having real emotional reaction to this . "
None of this is useful or clever-and it is no less awful because the american left is also guilty of crass hyperbole .
Part of her job , she says , is " to convince people that a united europe is the best thing for our future , and so leave no room for crass eurosceptics . "