
n.验尸官,死因裁判官( coroner的名词复数 )
coroners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Coroners are independent judicial officers .
- 死因裁判官是独立的司法人员。
- Some coroners in england , spurred on by the religious objections of jews and muslims , do allow scans rather than conventional autopsies in certain cases .
- 一些被犹太和穆斯林的反对者驱策着的英国验尸官,在某些情况下比起传统的尸检更同意扫描。
- Coroners are usually lawyers but in some cases they may be doctors .
- 死因裁判官通常是律师,但在某些情况下,他们可能是医生。
- Britain 's coroners are more active , but perhaps not more accurate .
- 英国的验尸官更活跃,但其验尸技术可能不够精准。
- I believe both the police investigation and the coroners proceedings have been biased and unfair against me and my late husband .
- 因为我已经相信,不论是警方的调查,抑或是死因庭的聆讯,对我和我先夫都是存有偏见及不公平的.
- Most county coroners , she said , require concrete evidence about a death before they rule it a suicide .
- 因为大多数的县验尸官在定性自杀事件之前需要具体完整的证据。
- But her hearing coincided with the passage through the house of lords of the coroners and justice bill-and it provides an opportunity for lords sympathetic to ms purdy 's predicament to give her and others in a similar position the certainty they want .
- 但是珀迪的听证会正好赶上上议院《验尸官司法法案》的审议进程,法官有可能同情珀迪的处境,并且给予她以及其他处于类似境况的人所想要的保证。
- Chief coroners are elected in this state .
- 主验尸官是在这个州被选举的。
- Analysis of deaths reported to the coroners .
- 有向死因裁判官呈报的死亡个案的分析。
- His amendment to the coroners and justice bill would have allowed people to help someone with a terminal illness travel to a country where assisted suicide is legal .
- 他提出的对《验尸官司法法案》的修正案允许人们帮助绝症末期患者前往安乐死合法的国家自杀。