Many social conservatives believe that being gay is a choice .
The conservatives and liberal democrats also support reform .
Conservatives will object vehemently to this characterization of thailand 's troubled politics .
Spanish conservatives accused him of treason .
American social conservatives should try it out .
The conservatives want mechanisms to force markets to provide a minimum level of gas storage and a minimum quantity of spare capacity in electricity generation .
The conservatives want to switch tack , diverting patients from methadone to abstinence and getting them clean once and for all .
That the u.n. too often acts as a repository of the world 's lowest common denominator is a familiar complaint from american conservatives .
Now that the ldp 's conservatives are returned to power , including their hawkish prime minister shinzo abe , they are demanding a change in the pacifist constitution which would chime in nicely with the u.s. 's desires in the region .
Conservatives view lawsuits like this one as coming very close to permitting gender ( or race ) discrimination to be proven on the basis of little more than statistical disparities in the workforce that are extremely widespread in our society and which might simply result from a stew of complex , innocent , cultural causes .