If this assumption be admitted , of course a union of god with the world renders god completely finite , and degrades him to the bare finite and adventitious congeries of existence .
This congeries , afforded by sensation and perception , must however be reduced to an identity or primary synthesis . To accomplish this the ' I ' brings it in relation to itself and unites it there in one consciousness which kant calls ' pure apperception ' .
Results show that the morphology of composite is porous congeries .
Banyan would find asia had little in common with itself , a mere congeries of nations and occasional failed states .
He saw that the milky way was in fact " a congeries of innumberable stars , " more even than his tired hand could draw .
With the increasingly serious security problems of network , database systems , which serve as the congeries of information in campus , are facing more d more threat from password tactic and leak in the system .