
v.遵守( conform的第三人称单数 );顺应;相一致;相符合
conforms 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In terms of criminal law , criminal reconciliation system undoubtedly conforms to trend of building a socialist harmonious society .
- 从刑事法角度来说,刑事和解制度无疑顺应了构建社会主义和谐社会的时代潮流。
- The three rules conforms to type by citing impressive study numbers 25,000 companies over 45 years then allocates several pages to unpacking their study methodology .
- 《三个规则》同样遵循了这类书籍的常规范式:援引令人印象深刻的研究数字(2.5万家公司45年的发展历程),然后使用几页的篇幅阐述其研究方法。
- Developing modem agriculture conforms to the developing trend of international economy , according to the objective rule of world agriculture development .
- 发展现代农业,顺应国民经济发展趋势,符合世界农业发展的一般规律。
- To involve countries and regions outside the region in East Asian cooperation is a natural choice that conforms to the trend of economic globalization .
- 东亚合作吸收域外国家和地区参与,是顺应经济全球化潮流的必然选择。