
v.<拉>商谈,商议( confer的过去式和过去分词 );授予,赋予
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- It conferred upon him the remarkable ability to achieve what every journalist and essayist seeks .
- 这给了他非凡的才干,使他能够达到每一个记者或散文家所孜孜以求的境界。
- Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men .
- 女王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人才。
- Mit conferred an honorary degree on her .
- 麻省理工学院授予她荣誉学位。
- Even regimes that disdain anything that smacks of a western model want to claim the legitimacy conferred by democratic choices .
- 就连凡是带有西方模式味道的东西都一概瞧不起的政权,也想索要民主选择赋予的合法性。
- Direct election of the senate conferred a wholly unjustified appearance of democratic legitimacy on a wildly unrepresentative body .
- 直接选举出来的议员给这个疯狂且具有代表性的机构的民主合法性赋予了不合理的外观。
- In 1980 , they conferred this honor on shenzhen , a sleepy southern border town whose economy had depended mostly on fishing and farming .
- 1980年,他们把这一荣幸赋予深圳,一个沉睡在南部边境,经济上主要依靠捕鱼和农耕的城市。
- A primitive rna might have catalysed the synthesis of phospholipids , but what advantage would phospholipids have conferred on primordial cells ?
- 一种原始的rna可能催化了磷脂的合成,但是磷脂又授予了原生细胞什么优势呢?
- He has been chosen as the winner of the charlemagne prize , conferred by the german city of aachen for outstanding contributions to european unity .
- 特里谢被选为查理曼奖得主,该奖项由德国城市亚琛颁发,授予那些为欧洲联合作出杰出贡献的人或事。
- But I have conferred a rank .
- 但孤已经授了他官职。
- An honorary degree was conferred on mary .
- 赠给玛丽一个荣誉学位。