

v.承认( concede的现在分词 );出让,容许;承认(比赛、选举等失败

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Greg , while conceding there is much about the life he misses , implored his best friend to give it up .
But conceding such a possibility would mean conjuring up yet another unknown substance that is as mysterious as dark matter itself .
Without more money , this will mean conceding that americans will not return to the moon by 2020 , as mr bush hoped .
Conceding he would delegate some power to the vice-president , he reiteraqted he intended to stay in power until september elections .
He was sceptical , too , of those who put too much faith in regulation , while conceding that it was clear regulation was needed .
Nokia , for example , spent years trying to break into japan 's big but idiosyncratic mobile-handset market with its rest-of-the-world-beating products before finally conceding defeat .
Some experts , while conceding that available studies don 't provide a direct comparison , said the rate at which the firms bain invested in ran into trouble appears to be higher than experienced by some rival buyout firms during the era .
While conceding that open-source textbooks would take hold in a few subject areas , mr. lyman stressed that the current system would still prevail and that collaborative works online would have a hard time winning an audience .
Conceding that " folks are skeptical , " he sought to convince americans that overhauling the nation 's health care system would benefit them and strengthen the economy .
She has a point : direct criticism of cuba 's economic system was branded " anti-revolutionary " in the past , and mr castro has had economists jailed for saying precisely what he is now conceding .