compactness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- " Despite the trend to compactness and lower costs , it is unlikely everyone will have his own computer any time soon . "
- “虽然电脑发展的潮流在向着结构紧凑和低成本方向发展,但是也不可能很快每个人都能拥有属于自己的电脑。”
- Quasi-weak drop property and weak compactness .
- 拟弱滴状性质与弱紧性。
- The compactness of the car appeals to me .
- 该车小巧令我喜欢。
- The compactness and utility of this notation becomes apparent when high order systems are considered .
- 当研究高阶系统时,这种表示方法就显得很紧凑和有用。
- Pcb coating gold layer compactness analysis .
- pcb镀金层致密性分析。
- This shows the extent of your skin compactness problem .
- 这说明你的皮肤紧致程度出现了问题。
- Nucleon density instrument can test its compactness rapidly .
- 核子密度仪可快速获得其压实度。
- Relationship between natural moisture content , compactness and plasticity .
- 天然含水量与击实、可塑性关系表。
- The ottoman empire , which straddled three continents , lacked the compactness that might have made its territories more defensible .
- 奥斯曼帝国,它跨越三大洲,缺乏有可能使更多的领土防御紧。
- Another source of emerson 's strength is his extraordinary compactness of style and his range and unexpectedness of illustration .
- 艾默生的另一个力量源泉是他风格的异常简洁和例证的选材范围和突发性。